#include <errno.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <time.h> |
#include "atoms.h" |
#include "header.h" |
#include "types.h" |
#define getclosest(d,bo2,b) ((d > bo2)?(d-b):((d < -bo2)?(d+b):d)) |
#define OUTPUTEVERY 1000 |
#define MAXNEIGHBORS 500 |
const double kB = 1.380658E-23; |
Atom* allatoms; |
int numatoms; |
int** neighbors; |
double bigX,bigY,bigZ; |
double bXo2,bYo2,bZo2; |
double mincutoff; |
double maxdr; |
double dt,hdt; |
double desiredT; |
double T; |
double velMul; |
int iterations; |
void correctT() |
{ |
int i; |
T = 0; |
for(i=0; i<numatoms; i++) |
{ |
T += 0.5 * elements[allatoms[i].type].mass * (allatoms[i].vx*allatoms[i].vx + allatoms[i].vy*allatoms[i].vy + allatoms[i].vz*allatoms[i].vz); |
} |
T /= (double)numatoms; |
T /= 1.5 * kB; |
} |
void makeneighbors() |
{ |
int i,j,k; |
double dx,dy,dz; |
Atom* thisatom; |
Atom* thatatom; |
maxdr = 0.0; |
printf("calculating neighbors at i=%d\n\n", iterations); |
for(i=0; i<numatoms; i++) |
{ |
thisatom = allatoms + i; |
k = 0; |
thisatom->ndx = thisatom->x; |
thisatom->ndy = thisatom->y; |
thisatom->ndz = thisatom->z; |
for(j=i+1; j<numatoms && k<MAXNEIGHBORS; j++) |
{ |
thatatom = allatoms + j; |
dx = thisatom->x - thatatom->x; |
dy = thisatom->y - thatatom->y; |
dz = thisatom->z - thatatom->z; |
dx = getclosest(dx,bXo2,bigX); |
dy = getclosest(dy,bYo2,bigY); |
dz = getclosest(dz,bZo2,bigZ); |
if(dx<mincutoff&&dx>-mincutoff&&dy<mincutoff&&dy>-mincutoff&&dz<mincutoff&&dz>-mincutoff) |
{ |
neighbors[i][k++] = j; |
} |
} |
neighbors[i][k] = -1; |
} |
} |
void interactions() |
{ |
int i,j,k,l,m,n; |
Atom* thisatom; |
Atom* atom2; |
Atom* atom3; |
Atom* thatatom; |
int atom2off; |
int atom3off; |
int atom4off; |
double epsilon,sigma,thismass,thatmass,k0,x0,z; |
double rmsq; |
double dx,dy,dz; |
double rsq,rmor2,rmor6,rmor12,r,rmx0; |
double pot,mag; |
double fx,fy,fz; |
int bonded,doffset; |
for(i=0; i<numatoms; i++) |
{ |
thisatom = allatoms + i; |
thismass = elements[thisatom->type].mass; |
/*order 1 bonded interactions*/ |
for(j=0; j<NUMBONDS; j++) |
{ |
if(thisatom->bonds[j] <= 0) |
continue; |
thatatom = thisatom + thisatom->bonds[j]; |
thatmass = elements[thatatom->type].mass; |
switch(thisatom->type) |
{ |
case H: |
k0 = 483; |
x0 = 1.12E-10; |
break; |
default: |
switch(thatatom->type) |
{ |
case H: |
k0 = 483; |
x0 = 1.12E-10; |
break; |
default: |
k0 = 450; |
x0 = 1.53E-10; |
} |
break; |
} |
dx = thisatom->x - thatatom->x; |
dy = thisatom->y - thatatom->y; |
dz = thisatom->z - thatatom->z; |
dx = getclosest(dx,bXo2,bigX); |
dy = getclosest(dy,bYo2,bigY); |
dz = getclosest(dz,bZo2,bigZ); |
rsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; |
r = sqrt(rsq); |
rmx0 = r-x0; |
pot = 0.5 * k0 * rmx0 * rmx0; |
mag = -k0 * rmx0 / r; |
fx = dx*mag; |
fy = dy*mag; |
fz = dz*mag; |
thisatom->newpotential += pot; |
thisatom->ax += fx/thismass; |
thisatom->ay += fy/thismass; |
thisatom->az += fz/thismass; |
thatatom->newpotential += pot; |
thatatom->ax -= fx/thatmass; |
thatatom->ay -= fy/thatmass; |
thatatom->az -= fz/thatmass; |
} |
/*order 2 bonded interactions*/ |
for(j=0; j<NUMBONDS; j++) |
{ |
atom2off = thisatom->bonds[j]; |
if(atom2off == 0) |
continue; |
atom2 = thisatom+atom2off; |
for(k=0; k<NUMBONDS; k++) |
{ |
atom3off = atom2off+atom2->bonds[k]; |
if(atom2->bonds[k] == 0 || atom3off <= 0) |
continue; |
thatatom = thisatom + atom3off; |
thatmass = elements[thatatom->type].mass; |
switch(thisatom->type) |
{ |
case H: |
switch(thatatom->type) |
{ |
case H: |
x0 = 1.83E-10; |
break; |
default: |
x0 = 2.18E-10; |
break; |
} |
break; |
default: |
switch(thatatom->type) |
{ |
case H: |
x0 = 2.18E-10; |
break; |
default: |
x0 = 2.50E-10; |
break; |
} |
break; |
} |
k0 = 10; |
dx = thisatom->x - thatatom->x; |
dy = thisatom->y - thatatom->y; |
dz = thisatom->z - thatatom->z; |
dx = getclosest(dx,bXo2,bigX); |
dy = getclosest(dy,bYo2,bigY); |
dz = getclosest(dz,bZo2,bigZ); |
rsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; |
r = sqrt(rsq); |
rmx0 = r-x0; |
pot = 0.5 * k0 * rmx0 * rmx0; |
mag = -k0 * rmx0 / r; |
fx = dx*mag; |
fy = dy*mag; |
fz = dz*mag; |
thisatom->newpotential += pot; |
thisatom->ax += fx/thismass; |
thisatom->ay += fy/thismass; |
thisatom->az += fz/thismass; |
thatatom->newpotential += pot; |
thatatom->ax -= fx/thatmass; |
thatatom->ay -= fy/thatmass; |
thatatom->az -= fz/thatmass; |
} |
} |
/*order 3 bonded interactions*/ |
for(j=0; j<NUMBONDS; j++) |
{ |
atom2off = thisatom->bonds[j]; |
if(atom2off == 0) |
continue; |
atom2 = thisatom + atom2off; |
for(k=0; k<NUMBONDS; k++) |
{ |
atom3off = atom2off + atom2->bonds[k]; |
if(atom2->bonds[k] == 0 || atom3off <= 0) |
continue; |
atom3 = thisatom + atom3off; |
for(l=0; l<NUMBONDS; l++) |
{ |
atom4off = atom3off + atom3->bonds[l]; |
if(atom3->bonds[k] == 0 || atom4off <= 0) |
continue; |
thatatom = thisatom + atom4off; |
thatmass = elements[thatatom->type].mass; |
switch(thisatom->type) |
{ |
case H: |
switch(thatatom->type) |
{ |
case H: |
x0 = 2.278E-10; |
z = 2.392E-19; |
break; |
default: |
x0 = 2.446E-10; |
z = 2.234E-19; |
break; |
} |
break; |
default: |
switch(thatatom->type) |
{ |
case H: |
x0 = 2.446E-10; |
z = 2.234E-19; |
break; |
default: |
x0 = 2.551E-10; |
z = 2.660E-19; |
break; |
} |
break; |
} |
dx = thisatom->x - thatatom->x; |
dy = thisatom->y - thatatom->y; |
dz = thisatom->z - thatatom->z; |
dx = getclosest(dx,bXo2,bigX); |
dy = getclosest(dy,bYo2,bigY); |
dz = getclosest(dz,bZo2,bigZ); |
rsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; |
pot = z*x0*x0/rsq; |
mag = 2.0*pot/rsq; |
fx = dx*mag; |
fy = dy*mag; |
fz = dz*mag; |
thisatom->newpotential += pot; |
thisatom->ax += fx/thismass; |
thisatom->ay += fy/thismass; |
thisatom->az += fz/thismass; |
thatatom->newpotential += pot; |
thatatom->ax -= fx/thatmass; |
thatatom->ay -= fy/thatmass; |
thatatom->az -= fz/thatmass; |
} |
} |
} |
/*order 0, non-bonded (Van Der Waal's) interactions*/ |
for(j=0; j<MAXNEIGHBORS; j++) |
{ |
if(neighbors[i][j] == -1) |
break; |
thatatom = allatoms + neighbors[i][j]; |
doffset = neighbors[i][j] - i; |
bonded = 0; |
for(n=0; n<NUMBONDS; n++) |
{ |
if(doffset == thisatom->bonds[n]) |
bonded = 1; |
for(m=0; m<NUMBONDS; m++) |
{ |
if(doffset == (thisatom+thisatom->bonds[n])->bonds[m]+thisatom->bonds[n]) |
bonded = 1; |
} |
} |
if(bonded) |
continue; |
thatmass = elements[thatatom->type].mass; |
fx = fy = fz = 0.0; |
if(thisatom->type == thatatom->type) |
{ |
epsilon = elements[thisatom->type].epsilon; |
sigma = 2.0 * elements[thisatom->type].radius; |
} |
else |
{ |
epsilon = sqrt(elements[thisatom->type].epsilon*elements[thatatom->type].epsilon); |
sigma = elements[thisatom->type].radius + elements[thatatom->type].radius; |
} |
rmsq = sigma*sigma; |
dx = thisatom->x - thatatom->x; |
dy = thisatom->y - thatatom->y; |
dz = thisatom->z - thatatom->z; |
dx = getclosest(dx,bXo2,bigX); |
dy = getclosest(dy,bYo2,bigY); |
dz = getclosest(dz,bZo2,bigZ); |
rsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; |
rmor2 = rmsq/rsq; |
rmor6 = rmor2*rmor2*rmor2; |
rmor12 = rmor6*rmor6; |
pot = -4.0*epsilon*(rmor6-rmor12); |
mag = -24.0*(epsilon/rsq)*(rmor6-2.0*rmor12); |
fx = dx*mag; |
fy = dy*mag; |
fz = dz*mag; |
thisatom->newpotential += pot; |
thisatom->ax += fx/thismass; |
thisatom->ay += fy/thismass; |
thisatom->az += fz/thismass; |
thatatom->newpotential += pot; |
thatatom->ax -= fx/thatmass; |
thatatom->ay -= fy/thatmass; |
thatatom->az -= fz/thatmass; |
} |
} |
} |
void integrate() |
{ |
int i; |
double axhdt, ayhdt, azhdt; |
double dx,dy,dz; |
Atom* thisatom; |
for(i=0; i<numatoms; i++) |
{ |
thisatom = allatoms + i; |
thisatom->potential = thisatom->newpotential; |
/*temperature correction*/ |
thisatom->vx *= velMul; |
thisatom->vy *= velMul; |
thisatom->vz *= velMul; |
/* velocity verlet integration */ |
axhdt = thisatom->ax * hdt; |
ayhdt = thisatom->ay * hdt; |
azhdt = thisatom->az * hdt; |
thisatom->vx += axhdt; |
thisatom->vy += ayhdt; |
thisatom->vz += azhdt; |
thisatom->x += thisatom->vx * dt + axhdt*dt; |
thisatom->y += thisatom->vy * dt + ayhdt*dt; |
thisatom->z += thisatom->vz * dt + azhdt*dt; |
thisatom->vx += axhdt; |
thisatom->vy += ayhdt; |
thisatom->vz += azhdt; |
if(thisatom->x > bigX) thisatom->x -= bigX; |
else if(thisatom->x < 0.0) thisatom->x += bigX; |
if(thisatom->y > bigY) thisatom->y -= bigY; |
else if(thisatom->y < 0.0) thisatom->y += bigY; |
if(thisatom->z > bigZ) thisatom->z -= bigZ; |
else if(thisatom->z < 0.0) thisatom->z += bigZ; |
dx = thisatom->x - (thisatom->ndx); |
dy = thisatom->y - (thisatom->ndy); |
dz = thisatom->z - (thisatom->ndz); |
dx = getclosest(dx,bXo2,bigX); |
dy = getclosest(dy,bYo2,bigY); |
dz = getclosest(dz,bZo2,bigZ); |
maxdr = max(max(maxdr,dx),max(dy,dz));; |
thisatom->newpotential = 0.0; |
thisatom->ax = 0.0; |
thisatom->ay = 0.0; |
thisatom->az = 0.0; |
} |
} |
int main(int argc, char** argv) |
{ |
int i,j; |
int outevery = OUTPUTEVERY; |
int keepgoing; |
Headerinfo tempheader; |
FILE* file; |
int outnum; |
char buffer[15]; |
int time0; |
time0 = (int)time(NULL); |
outnum = 0; |
if(argc < 2) |
{ |
printf("no infile specified\n\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
file = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); |
if(file == NULL) |
{ |
printf("failed to open infile %s for reading\n\n", argv[1]); |
return errno; |
} |
printf("using infile %s\n\n", argv[1]); |
i = (int)fread(&tempheader, sizeof(Headerinfo), 1, file); |
if(i < 1) |
{ |
printf("error reading header from infile\n\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
iterations = tempheader.iterations; |
if(iterations > 0) |
keepgoing = 1; |
else |
keepgoing = 0; |
mincutoff = tempheader.mincutoff; |
dt = tempheader.dt; |
bigX = tempheader.bigX; |
bXo2 = bigX/2.0; |
bigY = tempheader.bigY; |
bYo2 = bigY/2.0; |
bigZ = tempheader.bigZ; |
bZo2 = bigZ/2.0; |
desiredT = tempheader.desiredT; |
T = desiredT; |
numatoms = tempheader.numatoms; |
allatoms = (Atom*)malloc(numatoms*sizeof(Atom)); |
if(allatoms == NULL) |
{ |
printf("unable to allocate memory for allatoms\n\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
i = (int)fread(allatoms, sizeof(Atom), numatoms, file); |
if(i < numatoms) |
{ |
printf("error reading atoms from infile\n\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
fclose(file); |
neighbors = (int**)malloc(numatoms*sizeof(int*)); |
if(neighbors == NULL) |
{ |
printf("unable to allocate memory for neighbors\n\n"); |
free(allatoms); |
return 0; |
} |
for(i=0; i<numatoms; i++) |
{ |
neighbors[i] = (int*)malloc(MAXNEIGHBORS*sizeof(int)); |
if(neighbors[i] == NULL) |
{ |
printf("unable to allocate memory for neighbors[%d]\n\n", i); |
for(j=0; j<i; j++) |
{ |
free(neighbors[i]); |
} |
free(neighbors); |
free(allatoms); |
return 0; |
} |
} |
for(i=0; i<numatoms; i++) |
{ |
for(j=0; j<MAXNEIGHBORS; j++) |
{ |
neighbors[i][j] = -1; |
} |
} |
makeneighbors(); |
hdt = 0.5 * dt; |
while(keepgoing) |
{ |
if(maxdr>0.5*mincutoff) |
{ |
makeneighbors(); |
} |
interactions(); |
correctT(); |
velMul = sqrt(desiredT/T); |
integrate(); |
iterations--; |
if(T>10000) |
{ |
iterations = min(10, iterations); |
outevery = 1; |
} |
if(iterations == outevery*(iterations/outevery)) |
{ |
file = NULL; |
do |
{ |
if(file != NULL) fclose(file); |
outnum++; |
sprintf(buffer,"o%07d.atm", outnum); |
file = fopen(buffer, "r"); |
} while(file != NULL); |
printf("%s\n", buffer); |
printf("T=%f\n", T); |
printf("i=%d\n", iterations); |
printf("t=%d\n", (int)time(NULL) - time0); |
printf("\n"); |
file = fopen(buffer, "wb"); |
tempheader.iterations = iterations; |
tempheader.mincutoff = mincutoff; |
tempheader.dt = dt; |
tempheader.bigX = bigX; |
tempheader.bigY = bigY; |
tempheader.bigZ = bigZ; |
tempheader.numatoms = numatoms; |
tempheader.desiredT = desiredT; |
tempheader.T = T; |
fwrite(&tempheader, sizeof(Headerinfo), 1, file); |
fwrite(allatoms, sizeof(Atom), numatoms, file); |
fclose(file); |
} |
if(iterations > 0) |
keepgoing = 1; |
else |
keepgoing = 0; |
} |
free(allatoms); |
return 1; |
} |